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Foothill Mine

Foothill Mine - Kowary attraction

The Podgórze Mine in Kowary is a unique attraction that takes visitors into the fascinating world of the region’s mining traditions and history. It’s a place full of secrets that delights both history buffs and those looking for an unforgettable adventure underground. The Foothill Mine is a unique place to learn about the hard and tough world of miners, discover the secrets of ore mining and experience authentic life underground.

The history of the Foothill Mine dates back to the 18th century, when rich deposits of metal ores were discovered here. Mining began in the 19th century and continued until 1996. Today, the mine is a monument and museum that attracts tourists from all over the world. Thanks to professional guides, you can learn about the history of mining in the region, learn about mining techniques, and see the original machinery and tools used by miners.

Visiting the Foothill Mine is an unforgettable experience. Visitors are equipped with special suits and helmets, allowing them to feel like real miners. Passing through narrow passages and chambers, you will see underground lakes and quarries. It’s a real trip back in time to understand the hardships miners had to go through underground.

During the tour, the guides tell fascinating stories of the miners’ lives, describing their daily work, the challenges they faced, and the social life underground. Each step underground is like discovering another layer of this rich history that has left its traces in the mine.

The Foothill Mine is also a place that offers many attractions for children and families. Special educational programs have been prepared for the youngest children, teaching them about the life of miners in an interesting and interactive way. Children have the opportunity to learn how machines worked, what tools miners used and what raw materials were extracted.

When visiting the Podgórze Mine in Kowary, you can not only learn about the fascinating history of mining in the region, but also see unique underground formations and beautiful landscapes. This is a place that not only invites you to discover history, but also to immerse yourself in the mysterious and dark world underground. Anyone who visits the Podgórze Mine is sure to return with unforgettable impressions and new insights into the lives of the miners who for centuries extracted the earth’s treasures in these picturesque surroundings of Kowary.

kowary kopalnia podgorze - Foothill Mine

Foothill Mine on the map

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