red white kocham karkonosze

Giant Mountains Express under Reglami

Giant Mountains Express under Reglami - Bike Route

Karkonoski Ekspress pod Reglami is a unique and exciting bicycle route that leads through the charming and picturesque areas of the Polish Karkonosze Mountains. This is an ideal trip for outdoor enthusiasts who want to combine sports with admiring natural beauty and breathtaking landscapes.

Starting our adventure on the Karkonosze Express, we can go with a cycling group or on a solo trip. The beginning of the route is usually in the vicinity of Karpacz or Szklarska Poreba, where we can enjoy the charms of these picturesque towns.

The first kilometers of the route lead through dense forests and green meadows, where we can enjoy the fresh air and proximity to nature. As we begin our ascent up the mountain, we reach a vantage point on Okraj Pass, from where there is a breathtaking view of the majestic Karkonosze Mountains.

The next stage of the trip is the drive up Reglami – a peak that is one of the symbols of Karkonosze. It’s a demanding challenge, but the reward is an amazing view of mountain peaks, valleys and basins. We can also admire Poland’s only waterfall on the slope of Mt. Sniezka, which in summer can please us with its abundance.

The Karkonosze Express Under the Reglami also offers the opportunity to explore unique natural phenomena, such as glacial cirques, screes and rock formations. These are places that provide us with a unique experience and allow us to get closer to the mysteries of nature.

The route also leads through charming mountain chalets, where we can stop for a while, rest and taste traditional dishes of Krkonoše cuisine. This is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in local culture and traditions.

The Karkonosze Express under the Reglami also offers many opportunities for active recreation. During the trip, we can take advantage of the numerous hiking and biking trails, rent a canoe or try our hand at cross-country skiing if the trip is in the winter season.

Throughout the route, be careful and obey traffic regulations. Special attention should be paid to difficult and steep descents, which require skill and experience in mountain biking.

The Karkonosze Express Under the Reglami is an unforgettable adventure that will provide us with active recreation, incredible experiences and proximity to nature. This is a unique way to discover the charms of the Polish Karkonosze and enjoy the wonderful landscapes by bicycle.

Giant Mountains Express under Reglami

The length of the route is 19 km.

Karkonoski ekspress pr Reglami - Giant Mountains Express under Reglami

Giant Mountains Express under Reglami on a map

Giant Mountains Express under Reglami - practical tips

      1. Prepare your physical condition: The route of the Karkonosze Express Under the Reglami can be demanding, especially during climbs and more difficult sections. Prior to the trip, make sure you are in good physical condition by engaging in regular bicycle training and other physical activities that will increase your endurance.

      2. Choose the right bike and check the technical condition: Choose a bike suitable for mountainous terrain that is sturdy and stable. Carefully check the condition of your bike before you leave, including brakes, tires, derailleurs and chain. Make sure everything works smoothly and is safe.

      3. Take the right equipment: Prepare the right clothing and equipment. Choose lightweight and breathable clothing that will keep you comfortable while riding. Bring a helmet, gloves and safety glasses for added safety. Don’t forget a backpack to hold water, snacks, a map, cell phone and essential tools for bike repairs.

      4. Plan your travel time: the route of the Karkonosze Express under the Reglami can take a long time, especially if you choose to enjoy the scenery and rest at viewpoints. Plan your travel time to avoid driving in the dark and have enough time to enjoy all the attractions along the route.

      5. Hydration and nutrition: Be sure to stay properly hydrated and fed during your tour. Take with you enough water and light snacks rich in energy to help maintain your fitness and provide extra energy during more difficult stretches.

      6. Maintain safety and respect for nature: When on a bicycle tour, exercise caution and obey traffic regulations. Especially on more difficult descents, exercise restraint and adjust your speed to the conditions. Respect nature and the environment, don’t leave trash along the route and avoid driving into protected areas.