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Interferia route

Interferia route - Bike Route

The “Interferia Route” bicycle route is a unique and adventurous experience that will take you on a magical journey through the picturesque landscapes of the Jizera Mountains. Beginning our trip to the DW. Mining Thatch (High Street), we feel at the very beginning that an unforgettable adventure awaits us.

The first kilometers of the route take us through beautiful forests and charming meadows to the Huty Estate, where we can feel the magic of nature and enjoy the fresh air of the mountains. Views of majestic peaks and green slopes are eye-catching and provide the perfect backdrop for our trip.

The next stage takes us to Jakuszyce, a picturesque village that is known as a paradise for cross-country skiing enthusiasts, but also an ideal place for an active bicycle tour. The bicycle trails around Jakuszyce provide us with excellent conditions for cycling among the mountain nature.

We then head toward Orle, where we enjoy views of vast clearings and mountain peaks. Through the Mountaineers’ Cottage, a place full of history and tradition, we continue our trip, admiring the panorama of the Jizera Mountains, which is breathtaking.

On the route we pass the border of Świeradów Zdrój, where views of the beautiful spa and lake await us, tempting us to take a moment to rest. We can also stop for coffee or a light meal at one of the cozy cafes.

Then we return to Szklarska Poreba, and the whole route takes us through the charming and peaceful Kwisa Valley. Views of the river, waterfalls and rocks create an unforgettable landscape that makes our trip even more special.

“The Interferia route is not only a cycling trip, but also an unforgettable experience of nature, active leisure and contemplation. This is a unique opportunity to discover the beauty of nature, enjoy the beauty of the Jizera Mountains and relax on two wheels. Thanks to the variety of landscapes and unique views, there is something for every cyclist, and the beauty of nature will allow us to take a break from the daily rush and fully enjoy the harmony of the mountain world.

Interferia route

The route is 48 km long.

Trasa Interferii - Interferia route

Interferia route on a map

Interferia route - practical tips

  1. Check physical fitness: “The Interferia route can be demanding, especially because of the varied mountain terrain. Prepare yourself physically by engaging in regular bicycle training and other activities that will improve your endurance and strength.

  2. Choose the right bike: Choose a bike suitable for mountainous terrain. Check the condition of the bike, including brakes, tires, derailleurs and shock absorption. Make sure your bike is ready for tougher off-road conditions.

  3. Prepare the right equipment: Take the right clothing and equipment with you. Choose lightweight and breathable clothing that will keep you comfortable while riding. Don’t forget a helmet, gloves, safety goggles and UV sunscreen. Put water, snacks, a map, a cell phone and tools for bike repair in your backpack.

  4. Plan your route and familiarize yourself with it: Before you leave, plan your route and familiarize yourself with it on a map. Discover landmarks, resting places and viewpoints. Knowing the route will help you avoid getting lost and enjoy the trip without stress.

  5. Hydration and nutrition: Be sure to stay properly hydrated and fed during your tour. Take with you enough water and light snacks to provide energy during the ride. It is also worth taking a meal break at one of the charming places along the route.

  6. Safety and respect for nature: Be cautious and obey traffic regulations on public roads. On the more difficult parts of the route, exercise restraint and adjust your speed to the terrain. Respect nature, do not leave garbage along the route and do not enter protected areas.