red white kocham karkonosze


Snowball - peak in Krkonoše

The highest peak in the Giant Mountains

Sněžka is one of the most iconic peaks in Poland and the entire Giant Mountains. Rising 1,602 meters above sea level, this majestic peak is not only the highest point in the Giant Mountains, but also a symbol of the beauty and power of this mountainous region.

Location and border: Sněžka lies on the border of Poland and the Czech Republic. Shared by both countries, admiring the local views is a frequent attraction for tourists. At the top, on the border of the two countries, is a distinctive stone dome with a monument, informing of the joint belonging of the place.

Peak views: Stunning views are what await visitors to Snow Mountain. At the summit, there is an unobstructed view of the picturesque landscapes of the Giant Mountains, stretching south, east and west. On clear days you can see the Czech Sudetenland, the Czech Forest and even the Prague skyline.

Accessibility for hikers: the hike to Snow Mountain is a fascinating experience for hikers of all levels. There are several trails leading to the summit, both from the Polish and Czech sides. The routes are varied, and each hiker can choose one that suits his or her skills and preferences. It is also possible to reach the summit comfortably by cable car, facilitating accessibility for people with limited mobility.

Trivia: There is a mountain hostel at the top of Sněžka, where you can relax, eat traditional highlander dishes and enjoy the unique atmosphere of the place.

In addition, Sněžka is where night hikes are traditionally held to admire the sunrise or sunset over the mountains. This unique atmosphere makes a night visit to the summit memorable for tourists forever.

We invite you to discover the beauty and magic of a mountain adventure on Snow Mountain. It’s a place where nature and history intertwine, and the views are breathtaking. We are waiting for you at the top to experience the incredible feeling of being at the very top of the Karkonosze Mountains – in the mountain heart of Poland and the Czech Republic!


1603 m n. p. m.

sniezka 1024x683 - Snowball

Snowball on a map

Snowball - practical tips

  1. Choosing the right route: Before setting out, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the various routes leading to Snow Mountain. Choose a trail that suits your skills and physical condition. For beginners, easier and more popular routes are recommended, while experienced climbers can try the challenges of more challenging routes.

  2. Check the weather forecast: Weather in the mountains is changeable, so always check the weather forecast for the day before a trip. Clothing should be appropriately adapted to the current weather conditions. Keep in mind that even in the warm season it can be chilly at the summit, and there can be sudden changes in the weather on the trail.

  3. Equipment and gear: Prepare the necessary gear to ensure a safe trek. Proper mountain boots, warm clothing, a rain jacket, headgear, gloves and a backpack with water and provisions are essentials. In addition, it is advisable to bring a map, compass, flashlight and first aid kit.

  4. Remember to be in good physical condition: A trip to Sněžka requires relatively good physical condition, especially if you plan to take a longer and more demanding route. Take care of your fitness beforehand by doing aerobic exercises and muscle strengthening to avoid excessive fatigue during the hike.

  5. Water and provisions: When hiking, especially on longer routes, make sure you stay hydrated. Take with you enough water and light, energetic snacks that will provide you with the nutrients you need while climbing.

  6. Respect nature and follow safety rules: During the trip, remember to respect nature. Don’t pick plants, don’t leave trash on the trails, and stick to designated routes so as not to disturb the natural ecosystem. Also, follow the directions of the guides and information on the boards to stay safe while hiking.

you have to see it

Discover Other Peaks

Giant Mountains from the perspective of the highest peak: unforgettable views and tourist attractions

The Giant Mountains is a mountain range that impresses with its beauty and variety of landscapes. From the perspective of the highest peak you can enjoy unforgettable views and numerous tourist attractions. Climbing to the top, tourists have the opportunity to explore picturesque valleys, dense forests, rocky formations and crystal clear streams. Rich nature awaits them at every turn, as well as interesting sites related to the culture and history of the region.

Among the tourist attractions of the Giant Mountains are the numerous hiking and biking trails, leading through scenic areas and connecting the most important viewpoints. Particularly popular are routes through nature reserves, such as the Snowy Cauldrons and Lomniczka Cauldron. In addition, mountain hikers will find hostels where they can recuperate and make new friends. For those looking for a more extreme experience, the Giant Mountains also offer opportunities for sports such as rock climbing and paragliding. And for relaxation, you should go to a hotel in the Giant Mountains.

Mysteries and legends surrounding the highest peak in the Giant Mountains

The Giant Mountains are a mountain range full of mysteries and legends, and their highest peak is often the center of these stories. Among the many myths and legends circulating around these mountains, many of them relate to this special place. It is said that a powerful mountain spirit used to live on the summit, guarding the treasures hidden in the caves and grotto. In addition, many say that mysterious creatures such as gnomes and white ladies can be found around this peak, either helping or harming hikers. Unusual atmospheric phenomena and the mysterious secrets of nature add even more charm and mystery to the mountains, making the Giant Mountains attract lovers of adventure and unusual stories.